Global sports innovation brand adidas revolves around the brand concept of "created by me”,Together with the goddess of perseverance zhang junning, the goddess of vitality liu chengyu shot a new advertisement.Photographer is Cyril Masson,production house is BLOC Productions ,creative Agency is TBWA, retouching from Kei&Sihao@sElves. To see more adidas images,click here.
Client: adidas Photographer: Cyril Masson Production house: BLOC Productions Creative Agency: TBWA Retoucher:Kei&Sihao@sElves
全球运动创新品牌阿迪达斯围绕“由我创造”的品牌理念,携手坚毅女神张钧甯,活力女神刘承羽拍摄了新的广告。摄影师是Cyril Masson,制片公司是BLOC,广告公司是TBWA,修图来自创意精灵的Kei和Sihao。 更多阿迪达斯大片欣赏,请点这里。
品牌:阿迪达斯 摄影师:Cyril Masson 制片公司:BLOC 广告公司:TBWA 修图:Kei和Sihao来自创意精灵